Mindfulness Mondays

Mindfulness Mondays

Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking a minute for mindfulness can have a profound impact on your well-being and overall perspective. Whether you're new to mindfulness or a seasoned practitioner, our collection has something for everyone. Join us every Monday, as we unveil a fresh perspective to help you navigate the week ahead with renewed clarity and purpose. Embrace the power of mindfulness, one mindful minute at a time.

Created in partnership with The Arthur Blank Foundation

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Mindfulness Mondays
  • Mindfulness Mondays - 44

    Gratitude is that place of deep presence. It's the stillness that moves. And that's where the awe comes in. It's almost like those moments where you witness both sides - dark and light. And it's awesome... Any transcendental experience I've had is that - I just feel that everything is sublime and...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 43

    Women do tend to be more tuned into universal energies, because we are the ones who catch spirit, and spin flesh around it in our wombs - that's a magical act.

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking a minute for mindfulness can have a profound...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 42

    I think it feels better to do a generous act than to receive a generous act. It means a lot to me when I see someone smile or say "Thank you" because it means that you accomplished something good... ad there's such thing as Karma, and Karma comes back to you.

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection ...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 41

    When filming, I have to decided where to set my focus. Inside of every image there's a large range of possibilities and choices regarding what f-stop, lens and distance I choose... But I can only pick one combination. Focus allows me to direct the eye within an image to tell a story. This process...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 40

    As children on this planet, we have a lot to be grateful for. I just wish that we had enough gratitude to overcome greed and selfishness.

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking a minute for mindfulness can have a profound impact on your well-b...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 39

    Mindfulness is being present - like film itself. Sitting with a camera in total darkness. Always ready for light to strike. Without preconceived notions, and without judgement to any subject.

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking a minute for...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 38

    William Blake said that gratitude is the closest thing we come to Heaven and I think that genuine gratitude comes about as a result of a loving connection. It's showing respect for your own existence. You have been given a chance in the cosmic lottery of life. You know you got a ticket, you know,...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 37

    We are all born with a sense of wonder. Sometimes it's triggered by astonishing feats monuments to mankind's capabilities, extraordinary talents and gifts or scientific discoveries that push the boundaries of comprehension. Wonder and awe allow us to transcend the ordinary, even to test our conce...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 36

    This world wants you here as a child. You are a child of the universe, a child of the spirit. So you choose your intention. You plant a beautiful seed, you direct yourself to a creative project, to a visionary way of living, to a community of family, a part of the earth, to something that is a gi...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 35

    Patience is really about trust. I see trust as like planting a seed. When you plant a seed in the garden, there are droughts that come, there are insects that come, so you have to tend the seed. But if you tend it, it wants to grow and it will produce amazing things. And if you want to teach chil...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 34

    All people want to be happy and joyful. I make a difference between happiness and joy. Joy is the happiness that doesn't depend on what happens. So that's what we really want. We want a lasting happiness.

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 33

    We're on two journeys. We're on a horizontal journey, and we're on a vertical journey. The horizontal journey is I've studied this, I'm studying that, I'm learning more as life goes on. The vertical journey is into oneself and into the meaning of being. That is, the longer, I find, and perhaps mo...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 32

    When you're in touch with enough, it overflows into natural abundance, not excess, not waste, but natural abundance, out of which generosity is a normal flowing way of being because you feel totally interconnected. To everyone else. I think it's the source of longevity. It's a source of well-bein...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 31

    Observation is the key to learning. We need to nourish that sense of wonder, to relish and reveal the mysteries of life. It's these blessings that the heart remembers as gifts that engenders gratitude.

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking a ...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 30

    "The best and most beautiful things in the world can't be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." — Hellen Keller

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking a minute for mindfulness can have a profound impact on your well-being an...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 29

    "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." — Aristotle

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking a minute for mindfulness can have a profound impact on your well-being and overall perspective. Whether you're new to mi...

  • Mindfulnness Mondays - 28

    "The most beautiful things are memories and moments. If you don't celebrate those, they can pass you by." — Alek Wek

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking a minute for mindfulness can have a profound impact on your well-being and overall pers...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 27

    "Give everyday the chance to be the most beautiful day of your life." — Mark Twain

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking a minute for mindfulness can have a profound impact on your well-being and overall perspective. Whether you're new to min...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 26

    "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." — JFK

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking a minute for mindfulness can have a profound impact on your well-being a...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 25

    "Don't wait for someone to inspire you. Go out and inspire the world." — Mimi Ikonn

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking a minute for mindfulness can have a profound impact on your well-being and overall perspective. Whether you're new to mi...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 24

    "Pleasure is always derived from something outside of you. Whereas joy arises from something within." — Eckhart Tolle

    Wellness Wednesdays is a collection of short films released each week that elevate self-care and mental health with breathtaking cinematography that celebrate the beauty of our w...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 23

    "Nature doesn't hurry, yet everything is accomplished" — Laozi

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking a minute for mindfulness can have a profound impact on your well-being and overall perspective. Whether you're new to mindfulness or a seaso...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 22

    "Look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better." — Albert Einstein

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking a minute for mindfulness can have a profound impact on your well-being and overall perspective. Whether you're new to ...

  • Mindfulness Mondays - 21

    "Miracles happen every day. Change your perception of what a miracle is, and you will see them all around you." — Jon Bon Jovi

    Mindfulness Mondays is a collection of stunning short videos here to remind you that taking a minute for mindfulness can have a profound impact on your well-being and ov...