Wellness Wednesdays

Wellness Wednesdays

Wellness Wednesdays is a collection of short films released each week that elevate self-care and mental health with breathtaking cinematography that celebrate the beauty of our world, fostering gratitude and togetherness.

Created in partnership with The Arthur Blank Foundation

Wellness Wednesdays
  • Wellness Wednesday - 44

    The most important virtue that I connect with gratefulness is - Trust in life. The religious name for it is faith. Faith isn't believing in something, faith is trusting in that great mystery that we are surrounded with.

    Wellness Wednesdays is a collection of short films released each week in ass...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 43

    There's an ancient proverb: "The seeds of today are the flowers of tomorrow" - and actually I have a lot of faith that the younger generation are going to come up with the solutions to create a sustainable planet for their children and their children's children.

    Wellness Wednesdays is a collecti...

  • Wellness Wednesday - 42

    Each person has a gift - whether it's to plant a garden or raise a beautiful child, or create a business, or live with peace in a world that's troubled. It might be very simple - but you have your gift. We're part of a life that has survived and recreated itself generation after generation, and n...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 41

    In some way as we become trusting, patient, more grateful - even grateful for the difficulties - We also allow ourself to be touched more fully by life, in that there is a sense, not of patience, but of presence that grows. And as you quiet, how could you be anything but grateful - Grateful for t...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 40

    Generosity and gratitude are linked. When we're naturally generous, we're naturally grateful, because gratefulness is the experience of the great fullness of our lives. The great fullness of the gifts and talents we have; The great fullness of the blessing that it is to be alive; The great fullne...

  • Wellness Wednesday - 39

    How did we get in here? With wiggly things at the end and a hole in the top part with which we regularly stuff with dead plants and animals and grind them up with these bones hanging down and glub them through a tube. where we have this weird looking protuberances. Where I can huff the atmosphere...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 38

    These experiences of wonder and awe are deeply meaningful. They are experiences worn in the human heart, experiences of conscious beings who can contemplate themselves as thinkers. We exist in a universe that's much bigger than them. I mean, these experiences reveal to us the depths and textures ...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 37

    It is through allowing yourself to face the losses or grief or betrayal that the great heart of compassion is born in you. in the Tibetan Buddhist monasteries, they pray for suffering. Grant that I may be given enough suffering that my heart will truly open with compassion, but you don't have to ...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 36

    I like spring because everything is a fresh start. All the buds are broken loose, all the grapes are new again. The cattle are cavvy, there’s new life everywhere. The most powerful force in nature is to recreate yourself. That's what grapevines are doing. That's what oak trees do. That's what hil...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 35

    When I think about connection, I think about intersubjectivity. I think about the human capacity to pierce beyond the veil of individuation and to enter the Holy other, to blast new tunnels between the mind and the other. We resist. We refuse to live alone inside of our own minds. Instead, we cra...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 34

    Our life's journey is about making choices and focusing on what is important. Like the little things in life we often take for granted. Focusing on what you do have leaves little room in your heart for dwelling on what you don't have. This fuels the feeling of joy inside yourself and triggers ano...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 33

    When I think of energy, I think of passion. I think of human imagination. I think about creativity, I think about existential angst. I think about boredom, as a kind of meaning withdrawal, something that agitates something within that makes you say, I got to get up, I got to move, I got to create...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 32

    Patience or trust is really waiting for the right season. Like surfing. You don't just get on your board and paddle. You wait for the right moment in the wave. And when you quiet your mind and open your heart and look, it's not even a question of patience. It's a question of being home and your h...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 31

    "Ultimately, gratitude is a way of life. It's an attitude and a vibrational altitude that we live in, but there are tiers to it. So the first tier is we learn to be grateful for what we have. We bless our food, we bless our house, we bless our friendships. We're grateful for little big medium thi...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 30

    Dreams are seeds of change. Nothing ever grows withouts a seed and nothing ever changes without a dream"

    Wellness Wednesdays is a collection of short films released each week that elevate self-care and mental health with breathtaking cinematography that celebrate the beauty of our world, foster...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 29

    "Very little is needed to make a happy life. It's all within yourself, in your way of thinking." — Marcus Aurelius

    Wellness Wednesdays is a collection of short films released each week that elevate self-care and mental health with breathtaking cinematography that celebrate the beauty of our worl...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 28

    "Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.”
    ― Roy T. Bennett

    Wellness Wednesdays is a collection of short films released each week that elevate self-care and mental health with breathtaking cinematography that celebrate the beauty of our world, ...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 27

    “Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.” ― Roy T. Bennett

    Wellness Wednesdays is a collection of short films released each week that elevate self-care and mental health with breathtaking cinematography that celebrate the beauty of our world, fosteri...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 26

    "Looking at beauty in the world is the first step t puriffying the mind" — Amit Ray

    Wellness Wednesdays is a collection of short films released each week that elevate self-care and mental health with breathtaking cinematography that celebrate the beauty of our world, fostering gratitude and toge...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 25

    "You cannot get a A if you're always afraid of getting an F."

    Wellness Wednesdays is a collection of short films released each week that elevate self-care and mental health with breathtaking cinematography that celebrate the beauty of our world, fostering gratitude and togetherness.

    Children pl...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 24

    "Do your little bit of good where you are. It's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." — Desmond Tutu

    Wellness Wednesdays is a collection of short films released each week that elevate self-care and mental health with breathtaking cinematography that celebrate the beau...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 23

    "When you put love out in the world, it travels and it can touch people and
    reach people in ways that we never even expected." — Laverne Cox

    Wellness Wednesdays is a collection of short films released each week that elevate self-care and mental health with breathtaking cinematography that celeb...

  • Wellness Wednesdays - 22

    "I am not what happens to me. I am what I choose to become. — Carl Jung"

    Wellness Wednesdays is a collection of short films released each week that elevate self-care and mental health with breathtaking cinematography that celebrate the beauty of our world, fostering gratitude and togetherness.


  • Wellness Wednesdays - 21

    "The universe is an example of love. Like a tree. Like the Ocean. Like my body. I see the love." — Ram Dass

    Wellness Wednesdays is a collection of short films released each week that elevate self-care and mental health with breathtaking cinematography that celebrate the beauty of our world, fost...